( adapted from a public UW course, license below )

Functions and patterns

Function basics

Function syntax and types

A function in ML is written as follows:

fn arg => returnValue

For example, the following function returns an integer that is one greater than its argument:

- fn x => x + 1;
val it = fn : int -> int

Ascribed argument or return types

Function arguments (like all names in binding positions) and function bodies (like all expressions), can optionally be ascribed types:

- fn x:int => x + 1;          (* ascribing to the argument *)
val it = fn : int -> int
- fn x => (x + 1):int;        (* ascribing to the body *)
val it = fn : int -> int

This will sometimes be necessary when the body does not provide enough information to determine the exact type of an argument or return value. For example:

- fn stringPair => #1(stringPair) ^ "!";
stdIn:32.1-32.38 Error: unresolved flex record
   (can't tell what fields there are besides #1)

We know that this function's argument is a tuple --- in fact, the programmer probably intends a pair, . However, we can't tell how many elements the tuple has. ML needs to know this in order to assign a type to the function, so we must ascribe a type to the argument:

- fn stringPair:(string * string) => #1(stringPair) ^ "!";
val it = fn : string * string -> string

In order to construct examples where ascribing to the return value is necessary, we must wait until we see more of the ML type system.

Naming functions

Recall that all values in ML are first-class. Functions are values. All values can be bound to names. Therefore, functions can be bound to names, which evaluate to their bound value exactly the same way that any other name evaluates:

- val addOne = fn x => x + 1;
val addOne = fn : int -> int
- addOne;
val it = fn : int -> int

Since it is so common to bind function values to names, ML has syntactic sugar for function declarations:

- fun addOne x = x + 1;
val addOne = fn : int -> int

Notice that SML/NJ echoes the desugared form of the val declaration. The two syntactic forms are semantically equivalent in every way.

ML's treatment of functions and naming contrasts strongly with languages like C (where functions may only occur at top level, and must always be named) or Java (where methods may not be defined independently of classes, and methods only occur as "values" in the sense that object values can have methods).

Function application

Functions are applied to arguments by writing the argument after the function expression, and parenthesis around the argument are strictly optional. All of the following apply the function value bound to addOne to the integer 3:

- addOne 3;
val it = 4 : int
- addOne(3);
val it = 4 : int
- (addOne 3);
val it = 4 : int
- (addOne)3;
val it = 4 : int

In ML programming, we usually include the parenthesis only where needed to enforce order of evaluation.

Unlike some other languages, functions do not need to be bound to a name before they are applied; you may use the fn expression (an anonymous function) directly:

(fn x => x + 1) 3;
val it = 4 : int

This is yet another instance of ML's regularity. Functions are simply values. Evaluating a function application simply proceeds by three steps:

  1. Evaluate the function value.
  2. Evaluating the argument value.
  3. Apply the function to the argument.

It doesn't matter whether step 1 is a variable expression (for looking up a function value bound to a name) or an anonymous function expression. Both expressions evaluate to function values. More generally, it doesn't matter where the function expression comes from --- it may be obtained from the return value of a function, or by accessing a component of a data structure, or any of the other ways that a value may obtained.

Typechecking function applications

Function calls are typechecked in the obvious way: the actual argument must match the formal argument type. When it does not, you get an error:

- addOne "hello";
stdIn:22.1-22.15 Error: operator and operand
    don't agree [tycon mismatch]
  operator domain: int
  operand:         string
  in expression:
    addOne "hello"

Precedence of function application

Function application has quite high precedence, which can sometimes be confusing. Consider the folowing code fragment:

fun italic s = "<i>" ^ s ^ "</i>";
- val italic = fn : string -> string
fun italicGreeting name = italic "Hello, " ^ name;
- val italicGreeting = fn : string -> string
italicGreeting "Keunwoo";
val it = "<i>Hello, </i>Keunwoo" : string

The italic function surrounds the input string in the HTML markup for italic text. You might think that the string concatenation expression "Hello, " ^ name gets evaluated, and the result passed to italic, but function application has higher precedence than string concatenation (or, indeed, most other operators).

Thought question: Suppose you're typing a list in the square-bracket syntax and you accidentally omit a comma:

[1, 2 3, 4];

What happens? Why?

Functions with no meaningful return value or arguments

Sometimes side effects are unavoidable. For now, we will acknowledge one limited use for side effects: input and output. The standard library function print must have a side effect: printing to standard output changes the world. But what should a function like this return? It might return a status code, but often such functions have no natural return value.

Languages like Pascal solve this problem by dividing the universe of control abstractions into two kinds: functions, which return values, and procedures, which do not. Languages like C solve this problem by having void functions --- functions that return nothing. ML uses an approach similar, but not identical to, the latter: it uses the unit type, which has one value, written ():

- print;
val it = fn : string -> unit
- print "hi\n";
- val it = () : unit

Functions that naturally take no parameters can accept unit:

- val printHi = fn () => print "hi\n";
val printHi = fn : unit -> unit
- printHi()
val it = () : unit

Because unit is written (), this is a sort of "visual pun" on zero-argument function calls in other languages.

Control: Branching, sequencing, and patterns

Imperative languages express branching through conditional statements; functional languages like ML, being expression-oriented, express branching primarily through conditional expressions.

if expressions

if conditional expressions in ML have the following syntax:

if booleanExpr then expr1 else expr2

These have the "obvious" semantics (similar to the :? operator in C):

  1. First, booleanExpr is evaluated.
  2. If the test expression is true, then the first expression is evaluated and is returned.
  3. If the test expression is false, then the expr2 is evaluated, and is returned.

Here's a simple conditional expression:

- if 1 > 2 then 

Like all expressions, if expressions are first-class. The result of an if expression can be used anywhere any other expression can be used. For example:

[1, 2, if x = 4 then 5 else 6 ];
if x = 4 then
  (if x > 10 then y else z,
   if x > 20 then a else b)
  (17, 18)

Be careful --- the first branch in the outermost if is a tuple (comma-separated value in parens), not a sequence of two expressions.

Note that conditional expressions do not evaluate the un-taken branch --- this is why if cannot be naively implemented as an ordinary function call, which evaluates all its arguments prior to invoking the function.

(Actually, we can implement a proper if function using function parameters, but as we shall see this would be rather more verbose to use given ML's anonymous function syntax.)

Typechecking conditional expressions

A conditional expression may return either of its branches. What should be the type of the following expression?

if p then 27 else "hello"

In the ML type system, this expression has no sensible type --- depending on the value of p, either branch may be returned, so neither int nor string describes the result value adequately.

In ML, branches of a conditional expression must have exactly the same type.


Expression sequences in ML are written as one or more semicolon-separated sequence of expressions in round parenthesis. Sequences

Expression sequences have the following semantics:

  1. Evaluate each expression in left-to-right order.
  2. Return the last expression evaluated as the value of the whole expression

All results besides the last expression are discarded. Expression sequences are primarily useful for side-effecting expressions like print calls (in this class, you will primarily use them for inserting debugging statements):

- val x = (print "hi\n"; 3)
val x = 3 : int

Thought question: What should the type checking rules for expression sequences be, if any? Need there be any relationship among the types of expressions in the sequence, as there are with if? Why or why not?

Pattern-matching and case

The if expression essentially provides a way to match a boolean value against true or false. Another way to write this in ML is as follows:

case booleanExpr of
    true => expr1
  | false => expr2

The case construct takes a value and attempts to match it against one or more patterns --- in this case, the two boolean constant patterns, true and false. If a pattern matches, then its corresponding expression is evaluated and returned as the value of the entire case expression. Matching is first-match: the pattens are tried in left-to-right order, and the first matching pattern's expression is evaluated and returned.

As with if expressions, the body expressions of all branches of a case statement must have the same type. The reason for this restriction is the same as with if.

case would be overkill if we only had boolean values; but case can be used with any type, not just boolean. Let's try integers:

- val x = 3;
val x = 3 : int
- case x of
=     1 => "one"
=   | 2 => "two"
=   | 3 => "three";
stdIn:40.1-43.15 Warning: match nonexhaustive
          1 => ...
          2 => ...
          3 => ...

val it = "three" : string

We got the answer we expected, but why the warning? The answer is that the cases are not exhaustive, which means that the cases we gave do not cover the entire possible range of the data type being tested --- in this case, int. We have not enumerated all the possible integer values.

ML does have a well-defined behavior in the case we apply the case to a bad value --- it raises a match failure exception:

- case 25 of
    1 => "one"
  | 2 => "two";
stdIn:17.1-19.15 Warning: match nonexhaustive
          1 => ...
          2 => ...

uncaught exception nonexhaustive match failure
  raised at: stdIn:19.10

But ML raises a warning because it's generally good programming style to cover all the cases. If you're a Java programmer, you might conclude that we need a way to provide a default case. Indeed, that is correct, but ML actually contains a better, more generally useful mechanism that solves this problem: it simply allows more general patterns, some of which can match more than one value.

The first of these is wildcard patterns, which match any value:

- case x of
=   1 => "one"
= | _ => "anything else";
val it = "anything else" : string

What if we reversed the order of cases?

- case x of
=   _ => "anything else"
= | 1 => "one";
stdIn:53.1-55.13 Error: match redundant
          _ => ...
    -->   1 => ...

Oops. What's going on? Recall that ML is first-match --- the second case can never be reached, because the wildcard pattern will always match. More generally, ML will raise an error if you try to define any pattern case after some other case which subsumes it.

The second interesting type of non-constant pattern is variable patterns, which not only match any value but bind that value to a variable name for later use:

- case x of
=     1 => "one"
=   | y => "x is: " ^ Int.toString y;
val it = "x is: 3" : string

This may seem a bit silly --- aren't we just naming a value that we've either constructed, or already have a name for? --- but variable patterns really come a live when we add the third kind of pattern, constructor patterns.

Constructor patterns

When we discussed ML's built-in data types, we talked about constructors, which were functions that produced values of a given type. ML allows constructors to appear in patterns. Wherever subexpressions would go in a constructor expression, subpatterns appear in the constructor pattern. For example:

- val aPair = (1, 2);
val aPair = (1,2) : int * int
- case aPair of
    (0, 0)   => "origin"
  | (1, _)   => "first is one"
  | (2, snd) => "first is two; second is " ^ Int.toString snd
  | (a, b)   =>
      "other value: (" ^ Int.toString a ^ "," ^ Int.toString b;
val it = "first is one" : string

The value is a pair (2-tuple) of ints, so all pattern cases must match pairs of ints. The first case has two constant patterns for the two tuple members, and therefore matches only the value (0, 0). The second case has a wildcard as its second value, and therefore matches any pair with 1 as its first element. The third pattern matches any pair with 2 as its first element, but then saves and uses second element in the expression body. The last pattern matches any 2-tuple, binding both elements to names, and uses them in the expression body.

Any of the constructors we have seen may appear in a pattern. Here are some case expressions that use various constructors we've seen:

case foo of
    {x=0, y=0} => "origin"
  | {x=_, y=y} => "non-origin at y-coord " ^ Int.toString y;

case bar of () => "unit has only one value."

case aStringList of
    nil    => "empty"
  | hd::tl => "first list element is: " ^ hd;

The last of these --- matching against the nil case of a list and then against the cons case --- will shortly become quite familiar to you, because essentially all functions that operate over lists do this.

Patterns, patterns, everywhere

Patterns are not restricted to use in case statements. They may appear wherever any name binding may appear, including val declarations and function arguments. In fact, all name binding in the ML core language is really pattern matching. Here is a function that concatentates the elements of a string pair:

- fn (x, y) => x ^ y;
val it = fn : string * string -> string

Note the use of a tuple pattern in the argument. This looks almost like a function definition in C or Java, where the parameters are separated by commas, but it's completely different. For example, the argument patterns can be a record rather than a tuple, or it can contain nested subpatterns with structure rather than simply names:

- fn {first=firstName, last=lastName} =>
    firstName ^ " " ^ lastName;
val it = fn : {first:string, last:string} -> string

- fn {x=_:int, y=(a:int, b:int), z=z:string} =>
    Int.toString a ^ z ^ Int.toString b
val it = fn : {x:'a, y:int * int, z:string} -> string

For the last of the above, note the use of type ascriptions inside the pattern, and the nested tuple subpattern.

Functions use case at top-level so often that ML also has a special syntactic sugar which allows you to define a function in multiple cases. The following two functions are exactly equivalent:

- fun emptyTest aList =
    case aList of
      nil     => "empty!"
    | (x::xs) = "not empty; first elem: " ^ x;
val emptyTest = fn : string list -> string

- fun emptyTest nil     = "empty!"
    | emptyTest (x::xs) = "not empty; first elem: " ^ x;
val emptyTest = fn : string list -> string

Here is how we use a val binding to take apart the elements of a record:

- aPoint = {x=1, y=2};
val aPoint = {x=1,y=2} : {x:int, y:int}
- val {x=x, y=y} = aPoint;
val x = 1 : int
val y = 2 : int

Notice that you can bind more than one name at a time. For records, it is so common to bind field names to variables of the same name that ML provides a syntactic sugar which allows you to write each field name once, omitting the =name:

- val {x,y} = aPoint;
val x = 1 : int
val y = 2 : int

Val bindings do not provide a way to handle multiple cases in a pattern, so they fail if there is no match.

How patterns match

This is the complete algorithm, in ML-like pseudocode, for determining whether a value matches a pattern:

fun match(value, pattern) =
  case pattern of
    constant => if value equals the constant then true else false
  | wildcard => true
  | variable => bind value to variable name; true
  | constructor =>
      if value has same constructor then
         match subpatterns of pattern with corresponding
            parts of value
         if all parts match then true else false
      else false

Notice that this definition is recursive. Speaking of which...

Recursive functions

Functions in ML may be recursive, and must be bound to a name (Thought exercise: why can't ML anonymous functions be recursive?):

- fun length nil = 0
=   | length (x::xs) = 1 + length xs;
val length = fn : 'a list -> int

Recursive functions, as this example shows, are ideal for handling recursive data structures like lists, trees, etc. Inductive recursive definitions, whether for data or for functions, are defined in cases:

For lists, the base data case is nil, and the inductive data case is cons. The length function likewise has two cases, one for the base case and one for the inductive case.

More generally, to write almost any function over a recursive data type, you generally follow a simple formula:

  1. Look at the cases of the data type.
  2. For each data case, write one or more function cases:

This recursive formula will occur again and again in your functional programming. Learn it well, and it will help you organize your thinking about recursive data structures even in non-functional languages.

(Aside: what's this 'a list type that ML infers for the length function's argument? Well, if you examine the body of length, there's actually no indication as to the element type of this list. The list could be any type --- and this makes perfect sense, since a function that takes the length of a list never needs to know the type of that list's elements. ML's type system allows this function to be polymorphic over different types of lists --- i.e., the same function can be applied to different types. 'a is a type variable --- it stands for "any type". When the function is applied to an argument, the type variable will be instantiated with the type of its argument's element type. We'll discuss type variables and polymorphism in much more detail next week.)

Recursion vs. iteration

In Java, you wouldn't write a recursive length function. You would use a loop:

class Node { Object o; Node next; }
int length = 0;
for (Node i = List.firstNode; i != null; i = i.next) {

Observe, however, that a loop of this kind requires mutation: the i = i.next changes what i points to, and the length field must be incremented. In functional programming, you typically use recursion instead of iteration. Functional programming advocates claim recursion is typically clearer and less error-prone:

On the other hand, naively implemented recursion often has greater overhead than naively implemented iteration:

Tail recursion

The length function, as defined above, has one important drawback. It must keep an activation record on the procedure call stack for every recursive call.

But this is not true of all recursive functions; or, of all functions that call another function. In particular, consider the case where a function returns directly the value of another function --- this is called a tail call. A very simple example:

fun f aList = length aList;

In this case, it is clear that once f passes control to length, then the compiler need not keep the activation record for length around (including, e.g., the space for the aList parameter), because f does nothing after length returns. The compiler can reuse that space on the call stack for the activation record of the length call.

This space-saving optimization is called tail call elimination, because the call is at the "tail" of the function. This optimization plays a crucial role in functional language implementation, because of the heavy use of recursion; indeed, most functional languages specify that implementations must perform tail call elimination. Here are a couple of tail-recursive functions:

fun last nil       = raise Empty
  | last (x::nil)  = x
  | last (_::rest) = last rest;

fun includes (aValue,  nil)     = false
  | includes (aValue, (x::xs)) =
    if aValue = x then
        includes (aValue, xs)

Every case of these functions either "bottoms out" or directly returns the result of a recursive call. Therefore, they are tail recursive.

So what prevents a function from being tail recursive? And is there any way to make a function tail recursive when it isn't to begin with? It is instructive to examine ordinary tail calls first. Here is a function that resembles f, but is not tail call:

fun g aList = 1 + length aList;

This function's body does not tail call, because the result of the call is not returned directly --- g must do more work (namely, adding one to the result) before returning. The compiler must keep the activation record for g around while it is waiting for length to return.

Well, what if we could "push down" that work into the callee, so that g didn't have work remaining? That would be great, but in general the caller has no way to modify what the callee will do. On the other hand, in a recursive function, the callee is the caller...

fun helper (nil,   lengthSoFar) = lengthSoFar
  | helper (x::xs, lengthSoFar) = helper (xs, lengthSoFar + 1);

fun length aList = helper (aList, 0);

How these functions work:

This sort of conversion can be performed on any singly recursive function. Simply add a helper function that keeps the "results computed so far" as a parameter, and invoke it with a suitable initial value. See Ullman 3.5.3 (background in 3.2, 3.3.1) for a discussion of reverse using this trick.